Bus operator requirements

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Data quality

Data required Data format required Method
Timetable TransXChange Version 2.4 profile v1.1a

Validation against TxC-PTI 1.1a profile

Data Quality report

Bus location DfT BODS SIRI-VM profile Validation against DfT BODS SIRI-VM profile
Basic fares UK NeTEx 1.10 Validation against schema
Complex fares UK NeTEx 1.10 Validation against schema
Matching bus Location to timetables data DfT BODS SIRI-VM profile and its corresponding TransXChange Version 2.4 TxC-PTI 1.1.a data Validation against SIRI-VM PTI and data matching v1.1

Data quality checks are provided on the data supplied to the service to provide feedback on the data to help operators identify and understand issues within their data. The issues identified may prevent a data consumer using and sharing their data with passengers. High data quality is expected for all data published on the service. It reduces the barriers to entry for innovators and consumers when using bus open data. High quality data enables trust to be created between passengers and the public transport network.

Timetables data

TransXChange data undergoes two sets of checks. In the first validation stage, it is checked that it adheres to the TxC 2.4 schema and the PTI profile v1.1. The TxC 2.4 schema is the basic data standard mandated by DfT, and the PTI profile v1.1 is an additional mandate for the TransxChange data that will be expected from operators. The PTI profile 1.1 clarifies the standards even further, making the industry unified with a common, unambiguous data standard. More information on the differences between the TxC 2.4 schema and the PTI profile v1.1 can be found here.

From Friday 1st October 2021, files non-compliant to the PTI profile 1.1 will be rejected upon submission.

The feedback as a result of the validation check in the first step of upload is provided to the user which is to be shared with their respective software suppliers to enable them to provide robust data that fits the profile. In the second review step, a further data quality check is conducted which produces a report for operators. The report provides observations about operator's data, highlighting common errors. Some observations are critical, meaning there is definitely an error within the data and the operator is expected to rectify the issue. Other observations are advisory as they may be false positives, as a result of the data structure. Operators should use these reports as suggested improvements in their timetables data.

Bus location data

SIRI-VM data is taken into a central AVL system, where it is harmonised to produce a consistent SIRI-VM 2.0 output of bus location data for open data consumers.

We have introduced a SIRI-VM validator to BODS to ensure the highest data standards are provided to consumers. The validator has two parts: one that checks first for the schema and the second part checks for mandatory fields specified within the DfT BODS profile. For the schema check, if the feed fails it, the feed will be put in an ‘inactive’ status. The validator will run 1 randomised check per day (excluding buses running from 12am-5am) and will check 1000 packets or 10 minutes from a feed each day (this number is configurable until deemed sensible).

Given the level of industry readiness in terms of providing consistent SIRI-VM data, there will be no blocking of feeds as long as they are valid SIRI (and don't fail the schema). However BODS compliance tags will be attached to showcase if they are: 'compliant', 'non-compliant' or 'partially compliant' using a 7-day rolling average. The validator will look at the last 7 days' worth of SIRI-VM aggregate data and assign a compliance status accordingly.

A SIRI-VM feed will be deemed 'compliant' if all fields here are present more than 70% of the time for the last 7 days.

  • Bearing
  • LineRef
  • OperatorRef
  • RecordedAtTime
  • ResponseTimestamp
  • VehicleJourneyRef
  • VehicleLocation (Lat, Long)
  • ProducerRef
  • DirectionRef
  • BlockRef
  • PublishedLineName
  • ValidUntilTime
  • DestinationRef
  • OriginName
  • OriginRef
  • VehicleRef

A SIRI-VM feed will be deemed 'partially compliant' if it has all other mandatory fields present but only have the following fields below missing 70% of the time in the last 7 days.

  • BlockRef
  • PublishedLineName
  • DestinationRef
  • OriginName
  • OriginRef

A SIRI-VM feed will be deemed 'non-compliant' if all fields below are not present more than 70% of the time for the last 7 days. It can also be assigned a direct non-compliant status if any one of the fields below fall under 45% population at the time of the daily validation check. This is because this would count as a gross error in the data and would be highlighted to the publisher right away.

  • Bearing
  • LineRef
  • OperatorRef
  • RecordedAtTime
  • ResponseTimestamp
  • VehicleJourneyRef
  • VehicleLocation (Lat, Long)
  • ProducerRef
  • DirectionRef
  • VehicleRef
  • ValidUntilTime

Other compliance statuses:

  • Undergoing validation: This status will be used for all newly added feeds in the first 24 hours until initial checks are completed. It will also be used for all compliant feeds for the first 7 days until the 'automated flow' rolling validation logic becomes active.
  • Awaiting publisher review: This status will be used for all feeds in the first 7 days after publishing if a critical or noncritical fields(s) has not been provided by >70% of vehicles in a daily check.
  • Unavailable due to dormant feed: This status will be used for all feeds which don’t have any vehicles running for 7 consecutive days and henceforth have repeatedly evaded validation.

New feed validation process:

When a new feed is added to BODS it will be validated in the following way:

  1. 24 hours after a new SIRI feed is added the validator will check against the mandatory fields and if necessary, an error report will be sent to operators.
  2. Over the subsequent 6 days when data is flowing through it will continue to run randomised daily checks.
  3. After Day 7: each day a fresh automated validation check will run and a compliance status will be assigned on a 7-day rolling average.

Automated feed validation process:

  1. The validator will run 1 randomised check per day (excluding buses running from 12am-5am).
  2. The validator will check 1000 packets or 10 minutes from a feed each day (this number is configurable until deemed sensible).
  3. 70% of vehicles on the feed need to be populating the mandatory fields to avoid moving in to non/partial compliance error status (e.g that means 70% of 'Bearing' should be present in the last 7 days' worth of data, if not, it will move to a non-compliant status).
  4. If the daily check has any non-compliant fields which are less than 45% populated (for each non-compliant feed), it will automatically move the compliance status to 'non-compliant' as it is a gross error.
  5. If the daily check has more than 45% of non-compliant fields populated (for each non-compliant feed), then the rolling average check will kick in and assign a compliance status based on the last 7 days.

AVL to timetables matching

Validation of data against the SIRI-VM-PTI profile takes place in three stages: the first two stages are the data schema and SIRI-VM-PTI compliant stages as described above.

The third stage of validation of data against the SIRI-VM-PTI profile is to test to ensure data specified in the SIRI-VM-PTI match the data in timetable TXC-PTI profile.

The matching validation is important to ensure that the data can easily be used to produce a predicted or calculated arrival time of bus at a bus stop.

This requires data from the timetables and location data services of BODS to be combined and if the data is not supplied in the correct formats, then combining of the data is much harder and the quality of information available to the passengers will be reduced.

We've introduced AVL to timetables data quality matching checks to BODS to make sure high-quality data are delivered for data consumers to provide accurate real time information to passengers.

To help achieve the matching of data it is key that in the SIRI-VM-PTI data feed where there is an equivalent field in the TXC-PTI the same content is used as specified in the SIRI VM & Data Matching profile.

This table identified the equivalent matching field in SIRI-VM and TxC-PTI data.

The data in both the SIRI-VM-PTI and TXC-PTI fields MUST be an absolute match of text and formatting.

SIRI Field TXC PTI Match
LineRef LineName
OperatorRef NationalOperatorCode
DatedVehicleJourneyRef TicketMachine/JourneyCode
DirectionRef JourneyPattern/Direction
BlockRef BlockNumber
PublishedLineName LineName
DestinationRef JourneyPatternTimingLink/To/StopPointRef
OriginRef JourneyPatternTimingLink/From/StopPointRef

Automated matching process and report

The matching validator will run a randomised collection of data per day (excluding buses running from 12am-5am) and will test 1000 sampled packets or 10 minutes from a feed each day (this number is configurable until deemed sensible) against the complete TxC dataset published on BODS.

The report of the matching check is provided to publisher which is to be shared with their technology suppliers to enable them to improve the quality matching content in their data. The report is generated per feed every Monday (Sunday's activities are included in the report). It provides observations about the quality of matching of an operator's SIRI VM and TxC data.

Each feed matching report provides an overall percentage score of how many SIRI-VM packets completely matched all required fields to TxC data (this score excludes BlockRef as it is currently not a mandatory field in TxC-PTI). The report also shows a granular view of how each required matching field in each collected SIRI packet matched accurately to each TxC fields.

The report highlights matching errors, providing SIRI and TxC dataset details enabling operators to locate the relevant dataset and address errors. Other observations such as the full list of SIRI packets collected and analysed, or unable to analyse due to a gross errors are available in the report.

The operator's overall matching score and 4-weeks archived reports, which calculate weekly average mean score for all feeds per operator is available for operators to download at the 'Review My Published data' Bus location dashboard on BODS.

Weekly SIRI VM feed percentage matching score and report are available to download at a SIRI VM feed level on BODS. More information on SIRI-VM PTI and Data matching can be found here.

Single journey matching logic

To be able to compare data for any given journey it is necessary to first identify a single journey in both the SIRI and TxC datasets. The SIRI delivery is the starting point for the process. More information on SIRI-VM PTI and Data matching can be found here.

Step 1

1.1: Using OperatorRef and LineRef from the SIRI data locate the TxC files that contain data for the operator and line. There may be multiple files.

1.2: Check which of the files contain data valid for the date of the SIRI data. This will require checking the OperatingPeriod to find data which is valid for the date being tested.

1.3: If there is more than one data set with a file with a TXC that contains the OperatorRef and LineRef then stop processing.

  • If files are found in more than one dataset then stop processing.
  • If file(s) found, continue to step 2.
  • If no file found then mark the vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.
    • Errors for this step
      • 1.1: "No published TXC files found matching NOC {noc} and line name {line_name}"
      • 1.2: “No timetables found with VehicleActivity date in OperatingPeriod”
      • 1.3: "Matched OperatorRef and LineRef in more than one dataset"

Step 2

2.1: From the Step 1 subset of TxC files search each file for any that contain a JourneyCode that matches with the DatedVehicleJourneyRef from the SIRI journey.

  • If file(s) found with matching JourneyCodes, continue to step 3.
  • If no file found then mark the vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.
    • Errors for this step
      • 2.1: “No vehicle journeys found with JourneyCode {vehicle_journey_ref}“

Step 3

3.1: From the Step 2 subset of TxC files search each file for an OperatingProfile that is appropriate for the date of the SIRI data - type of day for date being tested. For example 1 April 2022 was a Friday.

  • If file(s) found with a matching OperatingProfile, continue to step 4.
  • If no matching OperatingProfile is found, then mark the vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.
    • Errors for this step
      • 3.1: "No vehicle journeys found with OperatingProfile applicable to VehicleActivity date"

Step 4

From the Step 3 subset of TxC files use the file with the highest RevisionNumber that is valid for the date of the SIRI data to find the correct file.

  • If only one file is identified after filtering by RevisionNumber, move to step 5.
  • If there is more than one file remaining after reading the RevisionNumber, mark they vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.

Step 5

There may be more than one matching JourneyCode within a TxC if it is used for example for journeys operating on weekdays and weekends, or those relating to a serviced organisation.

5.1: Search within the file to find the JourneyCode(s) with an OperatingProfile that is valid for the date being tested. For those journeys which reference a serviced organisation, the logic will establish whether the ServicedOrganisation is working on the day of the Siri journey to find the appropriate instance of the JourneyCode.

If the serviced organisation is working on that day, there should be only one JourneyCode with the combination of the operating profile, ServicedOrganisation and DaysofOperation.

5.2: If the serviced organisation is not working on that day, there should be only one JourneyCode with the combination of the operating profile, ServicedOrganisation and DaysofNonOperation.

5.3: If there is no serviced organisation data for the JourneyCode with an appropriate operating profile, there should be only one JourneyCode.

  • If a single JourneyCode is identified, move to step 6.
  • If there is more than one valid JourneyCode found, and
    • If there is only one TxC that is found at this point, then mark the vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.
      • Error for step 2a: “Found more than one matching vehicle journey in a single timetables file belonging to a single service code“
    • If there is more than one TxC that is found at this point but each TxC has the same service code, then mark the vehicle journey as failed to be analysed.
      • Error for step 2b: “Found more than one matching vehicle journey in timetables belonging to a single service code“
    • If there is more than one TxC that is found at this point and there is more than one service code in the TxC files, then do not include this in the score for the operator. (i.e. remove this AVL message from the count of ‘Total vehicleActivities analysed’ messages and the uncountedvehicles.csv)
      • No errors for this step: The row for this will be removed from uncountedvehicleactivities.csv.

Step 6

Once a single JourneyCode with an appropriate OperatingPeriod and OperatingProfile is identified testing can progress to the remaining pairs of values described earlier in this document.

If DatedVehicleJourneyRef from the selected SIRI delivery is unable to be matched to a single JourneyCode in a TxC file then the analysis should fail for all data types.

Step 7

It will be necessary to identify the correct direction, destination and origin information for the full journey details being tested.

Start with identifying the JourneyPattern for the journeys Direction. Knowing the JourneyPattern allows identification all JourneyPatternSection used in the JourneyPattern. Knowing the JourneyPatternSection allows the first and last sections to be identified. These are required to locate the origin and destination information.

The OriginRef is the StopPointRef in the From element of the first JourneyPatternSection of the JourneyPattern.

The DestinationRef is the StopPointRef in the To element of the last JourneyPatternSection of the JourneyPattern.

To identify the direction: Find the direction associated with the JourneyPattern referenced in the isolated JourneyCode.

To identify the block: Find the BlockNumber associated with the isolated JourneyCode.

Fares data

NeTEx data is validated against their respective schemas, to check if it is in the expected format. As this format is new to the UK, more data quality checks may be enabled over time.