Local authority requirements

What you need to know to get started. Find guidance and support material tailored to your needs.

How to get help

NaPTAN stop data support

The DfT is offering a free service whereby local authorities can get in contact with bodshelpdesk@kpmg.co.uk to request a spreadsheet that contains potential NaPTAN corrections for the areas that you are responsible for.

Timetables solution suppliers

Excel TransXChange Tool N/A bodshelpdesk@kpmg.co.uk
GRM Mapping www.grmmapping.co.uk enquiries@grmmapping.co.uk Timetables
Transmach TM 500 and TM 920 https://transmach.co.uk/tm500.html sales@transmach.co.uk Timetables
Elydium https://elydium.co.uk/bus-open-data/ busopendata@elydium.co.uk Timetables
Omnibus https://omnibus.solutions/ support@omnibus.uk.com Timetables
Ticketer https://www.ticketer.com/en/ support@ticketer.co.uk Timetables
Shuttle ID - BOD Package https://shuttleid.uk/packages/ info@shuttleid.uk AVL
Create Fares Data Service https://fares-data.dft.gov.uk/ bodshelpdesk@kpmg.co.uk Fares
Mentz https://www.mentz.net/en/ info@mentz.net Timetables
Optibus https://www.optibus.com/ info@optibus.com Timetables
Trapeze https://trapezegroup.co.uk/ ccuk@trapezegroup.com Timetables
Systra https://www.systra.co.uk/en/ https://www.systra.co.uk/en/systra/contact Timetables
INIT https://www.initse.com/ende/home/ pobszynski@init.co.uk AVL
Vix Technology https://vixtechnology.com/ uk.sales@vixtechnology.com Timetables
InfoRox https://www.inforox.com/ info@inforox.com AVL
R2P https://www.r2p.com/ info@r2p.com AVL
Ticket Technology - Tixiom Handheld and Ezifare Handheld http://www.ticket-technology.co.uk/products/tixiom-t1m http://www.ticket-technology.co.uk/contact-us AVL
Go Swiftly - Monotrome https://www.goswift.ly/metronome https://www.goswift.ly/contact-us AVL
Rise DM - Next Stop Driver http://www.nextstopapp.co.uk/ info@risedm.com Timetables
Vectare - VecTive https://vectare.co.uk/ info@vectare.co.uk AVL
Parkeon Flowbird https://www.flowbird.group/ contact@flowbird.group AVL
Rewire Security https://www.rewiresecurity.co.uk/ info@rewiresecurity.co.uk AVL

Bus location solution suppliers

INIT https://www.initse.com/ende/home/ pobszynski@init.co.uk
Parkeon Flowbird https://www.flowbird.group/ contact@flowbird.group
Ticketer https://www.ticketer.com/en/ support@ticketer.co.uk
Vix https://vixtechnology.com/ uk.sales@vixtechnology.com

Fares solution suppliers

Many ETM suppliers are developing NeTEx output solutions for their customers. Speak with your ETM supplier about their developments and how they align with your requirements.

Transport for the North (TfN) are developing the Fare Data Build Tool, that will allow operators to create their own NeTEx fares data, please contact fdbt-support@infinityworks.com for more information.

Contact bodshelpdesk@kpmg.co.uk for:

  • Request TxC tool support or creation from DfT
  • Support using the Fare Data Build tool
  • Technical and publishing issues on BODS
  • Create an operator account
  • Enquiries about the Bus Open Data Program
  • Feedback on the service