Missing stops

Line 177:Broadlands - Totnes might be missing a stop between Wolborough Street (E-bound) and College 6th Form Centre (N-bound)

We've found a possibility where the route 177:Broadlands - Totnes might be missing stop Sherborne Road (Stop E) between Wolborough Street (E-bound) and College 6th Form Centre (N-bound).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Opposite Royal Seven Stars Hotel (Stop E)
0:00:30 0:00:30 Seymour Place (NE-bound)
0:02:21 0:02:21 The Bourtons (N-bound)
0:04:25 0:04:25 Littlehempston Cross (NE-bound)
0:06:00 0:06:00 *Shadrack Cross (NE-bound)
0:10:50 0:10:50 Wrigwell Cross (N-bound)
0:11:09 0:11:09 Beech Drive (W-bound)
0:11:22 0:11:22 Orchard Drive (W-bound)
0:11:36 0:11:36 Crokers Way (W-bound)
0:12:00 0:12:00 *Wellington Inn (NE-bound)
0:12:22 0:12:22 Caunters Close (NE-bound)
0:12:51 0:12:51 East Street (E-bound)
0:13:38 0:13:38 Cooke Drive (E-bound)
0:14:52 0:14:52 Parkhill Cross (N-bound)
0:15:59 0:15:59 Woodville Park (N-bound)
0:16:05 0:16:05 Fermoy's Garden Centre (N-bound)
0:18:00 0:18:00 *Two Mile Oak Inn (NE-bound)
0:20:24 0:20:24 Turn Shelter (NE-bound)
0:21:59 0:21:59 Corn Park Road (SE-bound)
0:22:36 0:22:36 Grange Road (SE-bound)
0:23:01 0:23:01 Wilton Close (SW-bound)
0:24:00 0:24:00 *Abbots Stores (NW-bound)
0:25:34 0:25:34 Beechcroft (W-bound)
0:26:40 0:26:40 Higher Langford (N-bound)
0:29:00 0:29:00 *Ogwell Cross (NE-bound)
0:30:47 0:30:47 Bradley Road (NE-bound)
0:33:10 0:33:10 Wolborough Street (E-bound)
0:37:55 0:37:55 College 6th Form Centre (N-bound)
0:40:00 0:40:00 *Coombeshead School (opp)
0:45:00 0:45:00 *Sherborne Road (Stop E)

Which journeys have been affected?

3 Total journeys affected from 22/02/2021

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
177:Broadlands - Totnes 06/09/2021 07:45 Opposite Royal Seven Stars Hotel (Stop E)
177:Broadlands - Totnes 19/04/2021 07:45 Opposite Royal Seven Stars Hotel (Stop E)
177:Broadlands - Totnes 22/02/2021 07:45 Opposite Royal Seven Stars Hotel (Stop E)