Duplicate journeys

15:35 from Breton Road (opp) on 31/08/2021 is duplicated

15:35 from Breton Road (opp) on 31/08/2021 is included in your data more than once.

Vehicle journey

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
15:35:00 15:35:00 *Breton Road (opp)
15:49:00 15:49:00 *Canal Road (Stop E)
15:54:30 15:54:30 Dillywood Lane (opp)
15:56:58 15:56:58 Copperfield Crescent (adj)
15:58:00 15:58:00 *Forge Lane (opp)
15:58:45 15:58:45 Pear Tree Lane (adj)
15:59:54 15:59:54 The Manor House (adj)
16:00:47 16:00:47 The Copperfield (opp)
16:02:08 16:02:08 Shorne Crossroads (W-bound)
16:02:53 16:02:53 Fairways (adj)
16:03:41 16:03:41 Gravesend Road (NW-bound)
16:05:19 16:05:19 Church (opp)
16:07:40 16:07:40 Havisham Road (opp)
16:08:15 16:08:15 Vicarage Lane (after)
16:08:50 16:08:50 Osney Way (adj)
16:10:00 16:10:00 *Lion Garage (NW-bound)