Missing stops

Line 13:Llandudno - Bus Station might be missing a stop between North Wales Business Park and Tesco Car Park

We've found a possibility where the route 13:Llandudno - Bus Station might be missing stop Castle Gates between North Wales Business Park and Tesco Car Park.

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Police Station (opp)
0:02:14 0:02:14 Coach Park (Stand F)
0:04:15 0:04:15 Fire Station (os)
0:05:44 0:05:44 Links Hotel
0:06:40 0:06:40 Cwm Place (os)
0:08:41 0:08:41 Attlee Close
0:10:50 0:10:50 Maesdu Bridge (os)
0:12:55 0:12:55 Maesdu Avenue (opp)
0:17:00 0:17:00 *Hawes Drive
0:17:46 0:17:46 Gannock Road (os)
0:18:27 0:18:27 Railway Station
0:19:12 0:19:12 Ty Mawr
0:20:03 0:20:03 Stamford Street
0:20:42 0:20:42 Fon Tom
0:22:03 0:22:03 New Road (Stand Z)
0:23:00 0:23:00 *Station
0:24:30 0:24:30 Preswylfa (opp)
0:25:20 0:25:20 Trem yr Afon (opp)
0:26:14 0:26:14 Capel Pensarn
0:28:00 0:28:00 *Black Cat Roundabout (os)
0:30:23 0:30:23 Dolwyd Crescent
0:31:02 0:31:02 Nurseries
0:32:23 0:32:23 Business Park (os)
0:33:23 0:33:23 Post Office (os)
0:34:01 0:34:01 Wern Crescent
0:34:26 0:34:26 Bevan Avenue
0:35:44 0:35:44 Crematorium
0:36:15 0:36:15 Tan-y-Bryn
0:36:48 0:36:48 Lookers
0:37:49 0:37:49 West End
0:38:35 0:38:35 Rysseldene Surgery
0:39:20 0:39:20 Kwiks (opp)
0:40:00 0:40:00 *Central Hotel
0:41:01 0:41:01 Greenfield Road (opp)
0:42:30 0:42:30 Dingle Hill (os)
0:43:30 0:43:30 Eirias Park Gates (opp)
0:44:34 0:44:34 Hesketh Road
0:46:08 0:46:08 Marine Hotel (opp)
0:46:56 0:46:56 Church Walks
0:48:04 0:48:04 Bethesda
0:50:00 0:50:00 *Queen`s Court (os)
0:50:51 0:50:51 Miners` Lane
0:51:42 0:51:42 Penmaenhead
0:52:20 0:52:20 Highlands Road North
0:52:47 0:52:47 Llysfaen Road Turn
0:53:19 0:53:19 Maenen
0:53:44 0:53:44 Glas Coed
0:54:06 0:54:06 Tan-y-Graig Road
0:54:29 0:54:29 Bryn Awel (opp)
0:55:25 0:55:25 Semaphore Lodge (os)
0:56:06 0:56:06 St Cynfran`s Church (os)
0:56:49 0:56:49 Gamar Road
0:57:29 0:57:29 Glyndwr Road Middle
0:58:00 0:58:00 *Gadlas Road Shops
0:58:23 0:58:23 Rhodfa Lwyd
0:58:52 0:58:52 Y Gilan
1:00:11 1:00:11 Bryn Gorwel
1:01:32 1:01:32 Dulas Arms (os)
1:03:08 1:03:08 Fair View Inn (os)
1:04:53 1:04:53 Beach House
1:07:29 1:07:29 Hen Wrych (opp)
1:09:00 1:09:00 *North Wales Business Park
1:11:01 1:11:01 Tesco Car Park
1:12:09 1:12:09 Ty Gwyn Jones
1:15:50 1:15:50 Toll Bar
1:17:07 1:17:07 Bod Tegwal
1:19:57 1:19:57 Ffordd Terfyn
1:22:14 1:22:14 Post Office
1:23:23 1:23:23 Lowther Arms
1:23:48 1:23:48 Vicarage Close
1:25:00 1:25:00 *Glan Clwyd Hospital
1:27:49 1:27:49 College
1:28:29 1:28:29 Meadow Brook Farm
1:30:00 1:30:00 *Marsh Warden
1:30:51 1:30:51 Vicarage Lane
1:31:16 1:31:16 Ffordd Dewi
1:36:57 1:36:57 Graig Park Hotel
1:37:45 1:37:45 Ffordd Ty Newydd
1:37:56 1:37:56 Caravan Site
1:38:37 1:38:37 Melyd Arms
1:41:20 1:41:20 Eden Avenue
1:42:00 1:42:00 *Bus Station (Bay 2)

Which journeys have been affected?

9 Total journeys affected from 05/04/2020

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 09:10 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 10:10 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 11:10 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 12:40 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 13:40 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 14:40 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 16:10 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 17:10 Police Station (opp)
13:Llandudno - Bus Station 05/04/2020 18:10 Police Station (opp)