No timing point for more than 15 minutes

Line 29:Luton - Laburnum Grove has no timing point for more than 15 minutes

Next timing point after Laburnum Grove (NW-bound) is missing or is greater than 15 minutes away

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
0:00:00 0:00:00 Laburnum Close (opp)
0:01:00 0:01:00 The Furrows (opp)
0:02:00 0:02:00 St Olams Close (opp)
0:02:00 0:02:00 Canberra Gardens (adj)
0:04:00 0:04:00 Parys Road (opp)
0:05:00 0:05:00 Icknield Primary School (o/s)
0:05:00 0:05:00 Britannia Avenue (nr)
0:06:00 0:06:00 African Caribbean Centre (Opp)
0:07:00 0:07:00 Tintagel Close (Opp)
0:08:00 0:08:00 St Ethelbert Avenue (Adj)
0:09:00 0:09:00 St Augustine Avenue (Nr)
0:10:00 0:10:00 Kennington Road (Opp)
0:11:00 0:11:00 Blenheim Crescent (Adj)
0:12:00 0:12:00 Dorrington Close (Opp)
0:14:00 0:14:00 Studley Road (Nr)
0:15:00 0:15:00 Cromwell Hill (Nr)
0:16:00 0:16:00 Moor Park (Opp)
0:18:00 0:18:00 *Luton Station Interchange (Stand 2)

Which journeys have been affected?

18 Total journeys affected from 31/08/2021

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "No timing point for more than 15 minutes".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 09:50 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 10:05 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 10:20 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 10:35 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 10:50 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 11:05 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 11:20 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 11:35 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 11:50 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)
29:Luton - Laburnum Grove 31/08/2021 12:05 Laburnum Grove (NW-bound)