Missing stops

Line 511:Shrewsbury - Bus Station might be missing a stop between Furniture Centre (opp) and Lower Heath Jct (adj)

We've found a possibility where the route 511:Shrewsbury - Bus Station might be missing stop Junction (opp) between Furniture Centre (opp) and Lower Heath Jct (adj).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Bus Station (adj)
0:04:00 0:04:00 The Hollies (adj)
0:08:00 0:08:00 *Sir John Talbot School (opp)
0:10:00 0:10:00 Dearnford Hall (adj)
0:12:00 0:12:00 Parish Rooms (adj)
0:12:00 0:12:00 Hawkstone View (adj)
0:13:00 0:13:00 Raven Hotel (adj)
0:15:00 0:15:00 Oak Tree Farm (opp)
0:17:00 0:17:00 Holly Farm Nusery (opp)
0:17:00 0:17:00 Mill Lane Jct (adj)
0:17:00 0:17:00 Manor Place Jct (adj)
0:19:00 0:19:00 Gorse Meadow Jct (adj)
0:19:00 0:19:00 *Twemlows Avenue Jct (opp)
0:20:00 0:20:00 Towers Drive Jct (adj)
0:22:00 0:22:00 Holly Farm Nursery (adj)
0:26:00 0:26:00 *Layby (opp)
0:26:00 0:26:00 Crossroads (adj)
0:27:00 0:27:00 Furniture Centre (opp)
0:29:00 0:29:00 Lower Heath Jct (adj)
0:31:00 0:31:00 Nook Coppice (adj)
0:35:00 0:35:00 Weston Turn (opp)
0:39:00 0:39:00 Lower Lacon Caravan Park (opp)
0:40:00 0:40:00 Wem Industrial Estate (opp)
0:41:00 0:41:00 No. 26 (adj)
0:41:00 0:41:00 *Railway Station (opp)
0:42:00 0:42:00 No. 3 (adj)
0:42:00 0:42:00 Shrubberry Gardens Jct (adj)
0:43:00 0:43:00 No. 97 (adj)
0:43:00 0:43:00 Lindenhurst (opp)
0:43:00 0:43:00 Hawkstone Arms (adj)
0:45:00 0:45:00 Adams School (adj)
0:45:00 0:45:00 Bailey Close Jct (opp)
0:46:00 0:46:00 Pyms Road Jct (adj)
0:47:00 0:47:00 No. 12 (adj)
0:47:00 0:47:00 Lowe Hill Gardens Jct (adj)
0:48:00 0:48:00 Fire Station (adj)
0:49:00 0:49:00 Church (opp)
0:49:00 0:49:00 *Wem Mill (adj)
0:50:00 0:50:00 Park House (adj)
0:51:00 0:51:00 Crossroads (adj)
0:56:00 0:56:00 Crossroads Eastbound (adj)
0:56:00 0:56:00 Jubilee Tree Houses (adj)
0:57:00 0:57:00 Railway Station (adj)
0:58:00 0:58:00 *Drawwell Jct (opp)
0:59:00 0:59:00 Flemley Park (opp)
0:59:00 0:59:00 Quarry View (adj)
1:01:00 1:01:00 Clive Jct (opp)
1:02:00 1:02:00 Preston Hall Gate (opp)
1:03:00 1:03:00 Preston Lodge (adj)
1:07:00 1:07:00 Painsbrook Jct (adj)
1:08:00 1:08:00 Ladymas Road Jct (opp)
1:08:00 1:08:00 Chapel Road Jct (opp)
1:09:00 1:09:00 *The New Inn (opp)
1:12:00 1:12:00 Hall Acres House (adj)
1:15:00 1:15:00 Red Lion Hotel (opp)
1:17:00 1:17:00 Hawkstone Road Jct (adj)
1:19:00 1:19:00 Rosedale Jct (adj)
1:20:00 1:20:00 *Sentinel (opp)
1:21:00 1:21:00 Heathgates PH (adj)
1:24:00 1:24:00 Six Bells PH (opp)
1:25:00 1:25:00 The Coach PH (opp)
1:28:00 1:28:00 Hallcroft Court Jct (adj)
1:29:00 1:29:00 Social Services Offices (adj)
1:32:00 1:32:00 Fitness First (adj)
1:33:00 1:33:00 Railway Station (adj)
1:35:00 1:35:00 *Bus Station (Stand L)

Which journeys have been affected?

1 Total journeys affected from 03/06/2024

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
511:Shrewsbury - Bus Station 03/06/2024 15:17 Bus Station (adj)