Missing stops

Line 1:Monkmoor - Bus Station might be missing a stop between Station Road (adj) and Madeley Centre (Stand B)

We've found a possibility where the route 1:Monkmoor - Bus Station might be missing stop St. Marys Church (opp) between Station Road (adj) and Madeley Centre (Stand B).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Bus Station (Stand D)
0:03:13 0:03:13 Coachwell Close (adj)
0:04:22 0:04:22 Farm Lodge Grove (opp)
0:05:11 0:05:11 Waggoner's Fold (opp)
0:06:33 0:06:33 St Leonards Church (after)
0:07:28 0:07:28 Buxton Road (adj)
0:08:22 0:08:22 Ardern Avenue (opp)
0:08:49 0:08:49 Gloucester Avenue (adj)
0:09:32 0:09:32 Lancaster Avenue (adj)
0:10:00 0:10:00 *High Street (opp)
0:10:42 0:10:42 Portley Corner (S bound)
0:11:44 0:11:44 Webb Crescent (opp)
0:12:39 0:12:39 Manor Road (after)
0:13:23 0:13:23 Parish Close (adj)
0:14:04 0:14:04 Holy Trinity Church (adj)
0:15:04 0:15:04 Southall Corner (before)
0:16:43 0:16:43 Ellis Peters Drive (adj)
0:18:00 0:18:00 *Brindleyford (adj)
0:18:15 0:18:15 Brackenfield (adj)
0:19:15 0:19:15 Severn Gorge Park (adj)
0:19:28 0:19:28 Veterinary Surgery (adj)
0:20:28 0:20:28 Kemberton Drive (opp)
0:20:57 0:20:57 Madebrook Close (adj)
0:21:40 0:21:40 Sandcroft (opp)
0:22:27 0:22:27 Shakespeare Way (opp)
0:22:52 0:22:52 Southfield (opp)
0:23:22 0:23:22 Smallwood (opp)
0:23:52 0:23:52 Southgate (opp)
0:24:19 0:24:19 Summerhill (opp)
0:25:00 0:25:00 *Selbourne (opp)
0:25:31 0:25:31 Springmeadow (opp)
0:27:04 0:27:04 Stanwyck (adj)
0:29:18 0:29:18 Hills Lane (adj)
0:29:50 0:29:50 Bennett Road (opp)
0:30:43 0:30:43 Station Road (adj)
0:31:59 0:31:59 *Madeley Centre (Stand B)
0:32:38 0:32:38 Maddocks (before)
0:33:33 0:33:33 Cricket Ground (adj)
0:34:20 0:34:20 Lees Farm Roundabout (before)
0:35:18 0:35:18 Lees Farm Roundabout (after)
0:36:04 0:36:04 Abraham Darby School (after)
0:37:29 0:37:29 Wyvern (opp)
0:37:53 0:37:53 Warrensway (opp)
0:38:47 0:38:47 The Saplings (adj)
0:39:24 0:39:24 Park Lane (opp)
0:40:24 0:40:24 Woodrows (opp)
0:41:28 0:41:28 Willowfield (opp)
0:42:09 0:42:09 Madeley Academy (opp)
0:43:25 0:43:25 Lawford Close (opp)
0:44:42 0:44:42 Community Centre (opp)
0:45:10 0:45:10 Pageant Drive (adj)
0:45:59 0:45:59 *Castlefields Way (N bound)
0:47:17 0:47:17 Southall Corner (after)
0:48:44 0:48:44 Holy Trinity Church (opp)
0:49:38 0:49:38 Parish Close (opp)
0:51:25 0:51:25 Deepfield Rd (after)
0:53:42 0:53:42 Portley Corner (N bound)
0:54:59 0:54:59 *High Street (adj)
0:55:31 0:55:31 Lancaster Avenue
0:56:06 0:56:06 Gloucester Avenue (opp)
0:56:32 0:56:32 Ardern Avenue (adj)
0:57:27 0:57:27 Buxton Road (opp)
0:58:22 0:58:22 St Leonards Church (before)
0:59:49 0:59:49 Waggoner's Fold (adj)
1:01:00 1:01:00 Withywood Drive (opp)
1:01:49 1:01:49 Coachwell Close (opp)
1:04:59 1:04:59 *Bus Station (Stand D)

Which journeys have been affected?

30 Total journeys affected from 13/03/2021

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 07:00 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 07:30 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 08:00 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 08:30 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 08:50 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 09:10 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 09:30 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 09:50 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 10:10 Bus Station (Stand D)
1:Monkmoor - Bus Station 13/03/2021 10:30 Bus Station (Stand D)