Fast running time between stops
Line 101:Stanhope - College has fast running time between stops
Timing pattern requires travel between Durham Road (W-bound) and Market Place (W-bound) over a speed of 70 mph.
Timing pattern
Stops marked with * are timing points
Arrival | Departure | Stop name |
0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | *Market Place (N-bound) |
0:00:28 | 0:00:28 | Football Ground (SW-bound) |
0:00:49 | 0:00:49 | Lax Terrace (W-bound) |
0:01:31 | 0:01:31 | West Road Rectory (W-bound) |
0:02:18 | 0:02:18 | Woodifield Hill - West House (W-bound) |
0:02:33 | 0:02:33 | High West Road (W-bound) |
0:03:25 | 0:03:25 | High Woodfield Farm (W-bound) |
0:05:50 | 0:05:50 | Harperley Roundabout (W-bound) |
0:07:34 | 0:07:34 | Harperley Camp (W-bound) |
0:10:00 | 0:10:00 | Bank Bottom (NW-bound) |
0:12:39 | 0:12:39 | New Bridge (NW-bound) |
0:12:49 | 0:12:49 | Lane End (NW-bound) |
0:13:23 | 0:13:23 | Scotch Isle (NW-bound) |
0:14:31 | 0:14:31 | East End (W-bound) |
0:14:59 | 0:14:59 | Durham Road (W-bound) |
0:15:00 | 0:15:00 | *Market Place (W-bound) |
0:15:29 | 0:15:29 | Hamsterley Road End (W-bound) |
0:16:00 | 0:16:00 | School (W-bound) |
0:17:54 | 0:17:54 | Hare Law (W-bound) |
0:18:35 | 0:18:35 | Bridge End (W-bound) |
0:20:11 | 0:20:11 | Bank Top (W-bound) |
0:21:57 | 0:21:57 | Bridge (W-bound) |
0:22:39 | 0:22:39 | East End (W-bound) |
0:22:54 | 0:22:54 | Frosterley Inn (W-bound) |
0:23:00 | 0:23:00 | *Co-op Store (W-bound) |
0:23:16 | 0:23:16 | Telephone Exchange (NW-bound) |
0:24:59 | 0:24:59 | Lodge (NW-bound) |
0:27:22 | 0:27:22 | Bridge (NW-bound) |
0:27:44 | 0:27:44 | Weardale Bus Depot (NW-bound) |
0:28:37 | 0:28:37 | Front Street-Former Queens Head (NW-bound) |
0:30:00 | 0:30:00 | *Market Place (NW-bound) |
Which journeys have been affected?
Total journeys affected
from 16/09/2023
Example vehicle journeys affected
Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Fast running time between stops".
Line | Journey date | Start time | First stop |
101:Stanhope - College | 07/09/2024 | 07:50 | Market Place (N-bound) |
101:Stanhope - College | 16/09/2023 | 07:50 | Market Place (N-bound) |