Missing stops

Line 56:Salisbury - Warminster might be missing a stop between Church of St John (SE-bound) and Church (E-bound)

We've found a possibility where the route 56:Salisbury - Warminster might be missing stop Bus Shelter (NW-bound) between Church of St John (SE-bound) and Church (E-bound).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Shops (o/s)
0:03:34 0:03:34 Azalea Drive (N-bound)
0:05:00 0:05:00 *Playground (E-bound)
0:06:09 0:06:09 West Street (S-bound)
0:08:43 0:08:43 George Street Place (E-bound)
0:10:00 0:10:00 *Market Place (E-bound)
0:10:26 0:10:26 Esso Garage (SE-bound)
0:11:22 0:11:22 Highbury Park (E-bound)
0:12:07 0:12:07 Bradfield Close (E-bound)
0:12:42 0:12:42 Post Office (SE-bound)
0:14:00 0:14:00 *Eastleigh Stables (S-bound)
0:15:16 0:15:16 The Lodge (o/s)
0:16:00 0:16:00 The Woolpack (SE-bound)
0:16:19 0:16:19 Dymocks Lane (E-bound)
0:17:00 0:17:00 *Bus Shelter (NW-bound)
0:17:24 0:17:24 Church of St John (SE-bound)
0:20:00 0:20:00 *Church (E-bound)
0:25:00 0:25:00 *Bus Shelter (E-bound)
0:27:00 0:27:00 *Bus Shelter (E-bound)
0:29:00 0:29:00 *Village (SE-bound)
0:35:00 0:35:00 *Carriers Arms (E-bound)
0:40:00 0:40:00 *Watermeadow Lane (E-bound)
0:45:00 0:45:00 *Wylie Terrace (opp)
0:50:00 0:50:00 *Duck Street (SE-bound)
0:55:00 0:55:00 *The Farm (E-bound)
1:00:00 1:00:00 *Post Office (S-bound)
1:03:47 1:03:47 Village Hall (opp)
1:05:00 1:05:00 *Bus Shelter (S-bound)
1:06:05 1:06:05 East End (SE-bound)
1:07:11 1:07:11 White Cottages (o/s)
1:08:57 1:08:57 Plough Cottage (S-bound)
1:09:53 1:09:53 Kingsway Trading Estate (o/s)
1:10:47 1:10:47 Shopping Village (E-bound)
1:11:09 1:11:09 Wilton Roundabout (SE-bound)
1:11:38 1:11:38 Fugglestone (E-bound)
1:12:13 1:12:13 Traffic Lights (E-bound)
1:12:38 1:12:38 White Horse Gate (E-bound)
1:13:05 1:13:05 Foots Hill (E-bound)
1:15:23 1:15:23 Skew Bridge (E-bound)
1:15:52 1:15:52 Canadian Avenue (SE-bound)
1:16:10 1:16:10 University Technical College (E-bound)
1:16:33 1:16:33 Finchley Road (E-bound)
1:16:53 1:16:53 Fountain Way (E-bound)
1:17:10 1:17:10 Windsor Street (E-bound)
1:17:45 1:17:45 Fisherton Street (Rail) (SE-bound)
1:18:02 1:18:02 Hayters Flats (E-bound)
1:18:33 1:18:33 United Reform Church (SE-bound)
1:19:59 1:19:59 *Coach Stop (NE-bound)

Which journeys have been affected?

2 Total journeys affected from 29/07/2023

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
56:Salisbury - Warminster 23/03/2024 08:45 Shops (o/s)
56:Salisbury - Warminster 29/07/2023 08:45 Shops (o/s)