Fast running time between stops
Line 151:Chatham - Kings Hill has fast running time between stops
Timing pattern requires travel between Cuxton Marina (adj) and St Andrews Park (opp) over a speed of 70 mph.
Timing pattern
Stops marked with * are timing points
Arrival | Departure | Stop name |
0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | *Goldcrest Drive (adj) |
0:01:40 | 0:01:40 | Haven Way (adj) |
0:03:00 | 0:03:00 | *Ship and Trades (opp) |
0:04:18 | 0:04:18 | St George's Centre (adj) |
0:06:07 | 0:06:07 | Dockyard Main Gate (opp) |
0:07:07 | 0:07:07 | Fort Amherst Council Offices (opp) |
0:07:59 | 0:07:59 | *Waterfront Bus Station (Stop A5) |
0:09:59 | 0:09:59 | *Chatham Railway Station (Stop A) |
0:11:15 | 0:11:15 | St Bart's Hospital (opp) |
0:12:09 | 0:12:09 | Jacksons Fields (adj) |
0:12:39 | 0:12:39 | Star Hill (Stop K) |
0:13:23 | 0:13:23 | Rochester Community Hub (Stop N) |
0:13:59 | 0:13:59 | *Railway Station (Stop E) |
0:14:34 | 0:14:34 | Rochester Guildhall Museum (Stop P) |
0:16:10 | 0:16:10 | Canal Road (Stop E) |
0:16:59 | 0:16:59 | *Matalan (Stop F) |
0:17:46 | 0:17:46 | Morrisons (adj) |
0:18:31 | 0:18:31 | Priory Road (NW-bound) |
0:19:24 | 0:19:24 | Darnley Arch (S-bound) |
0:20:04 | 0:20:04 | Hawthorn Road (opp) |
0:20:58 | 0:20:58 | Poplar Road (opp) |
0:22:12 | 0:22:12 | Ballard Business Park (adj) |
0:25:20 | 0:25:20 | Ranscombe Farm (opp) |
0:26:11 | 0:26:11 | Pilgrims Way (opp) |
0:27:18 | 0:27:18 | Sundridge Hill Bottom (SW-bound) |
0:28:00 | 0:28:00 | *The White Hart (adj) |
0:28:09 | 0:28:09 | Scout Hut (adj) |
0:28:28 | 0:28:28 | James Road (o/s 26) |
0:28:48 | 0:28:48 | Reginald Avenue (opp) |
0:29:00 | 0:29:00 | *Whiteleaves Rise (opp) |
0:29:00 | 0:29:00 | Nine Acres Road (opp) |
0:29:00 | 0:29:00 | Charles Drive (o/s 111) |
0:29:00 | 0:29:00 | Junior School (opp) |
0:29:00 | 0:29:00 | *Scout Hut (opp) |
0:29:13 | 0:29:13 | St Michael's Church (opp) |
0:29:27 | 0:29:27 | Pilgrims Road (opp) |
0:29:39 | 0:29:39 | Cuxton Marina (adj) |
0:29:59 | 0:29:59 | *St Andrews Park (opp) |
0:30:19 | 0:30:19 | Jade Hill (adj) |
0:30:38 | 0:30:38 | Fire Station (adj) |
0:30:52 | 0:30:52 | Vicarage Road (o/s 19) |
0:31:59 | 0:31:59 | *Browndens Road (at) |
0:32:15 | 0:32:15 | Pilgrims Road (nr) |
0:32:59 | 0:32:59 | *Railway Station (adj) |
0:34:00 | 0:34:00 | The Five Bells (opp) |
0:34:34 | 0:34:34 | Britannia Close (opp) |
0:34:56 | 0:34:56 | Howlsmere Close (adj) |
0:36:56 | 0:36:56 | Snodland Bypass (S-bound) |
0:38:20 | 0:38:20 | Clock Tower (opp) |
0:39:00 | 0:39:00 | *Co-op (opp) |
0:39:46 | 0:39:46 | Woodlands Avenue (opp) |
0:40:31 | 0:40:31 | Townsend Road (opp) |
0:41:00 | 0:41:00 | *Midsummer Road (opp) |
0:42:05 | 0:42:05 | Gorham Close (opp) |
0:42:54 | 0:42:54 | St Katherine's School (opp) |
0:44:41 | 0:44:41 | The Holmesdale School (opp) |
0:46:00 | 0:46:00 | *Freemasons Arms (adj) |
0:47:58 | 0:47:58 | RSPCA Centre (opp) |
0:49:29 | 0:49:29 | Castle Lake (adj) |
0:50:00 | 0:50:00 | *Church (opp) |
0:51:11 | 0:51:11 | Castle Way (SW-bound) |
0:56:00 | 0:56:00 | *Railway Station (Stop A) |
0:58:00 | 0:58:00 | *High Street (S-bound) |
0:59:09 | 0:59:09 | Manor Park Country Park (adj) |
0:59:39 | 0:59:39 | St Leonard's Street (SW-bound) |
1:00:19 | 1:00:19 | Teston Road (SW-bound) |
1:01:09 | 1:01:09 | King Hill (SW-bound) |
1:03:03 | 1:03:03 | Tower View (S-bound) |
1:04:00 | 1:04:00 | *Asda (opp) |
Which journeys have been affected?
Total journeys affected
from 01/10/2022
Example vehicle journeys affected
Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Fast running time between stops".
Line | Journey date | Start time | First stop |
151:Chatham - Kings Hill | 01/10/2022 | 16:38 | Goldcrest Drive (adj) |