Missing stops

Line 402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury might be missing a stop between Peverells Road (opp) and Fryern Hill (o/s Waitrose)

We've found a possibility where the route 402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury might be missing stop Peverells Wood Avenue (SW-bound) between Peverells Road (opp) and Fryern Hill (o/s Waitrose).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Bus Station (Stand B)
0:01:57 0:01:57 Sopwith Road (adj)
0:02:52 0:02:52 Bill Luffman Way (NW-bound)
0:03:43 0:03:43 Hampshire Fire Service HQ (NW-bound)
0:05:40 0:05:40 Ford Avenue (W-bound)
0:06:35 0:06:35 Kent Road (W-bound)
0:07:00 0:07:00 *Falkland Court (adj)
0:07:28 0:07:28 Somerset Crescent (E-bound)
0:08:00 0:08:00 *Wiltshire Road (N-bound)
0:09:06 0:09:06 Chalvington Road (NW-bound)
0:09:23 0:09:23 Meadow Grove (opp)
0:09:36 0:09:36 Leigh Road (N-bound)
0:10:19 0:10:19 The Hut (NE-bound)
0:11:00 0:11:00 *Chandlers Ford Precinct (NE-bound)
0:11:50 0:11:50 Regent Road (SE-bound)
0:12:26 0:12:26 Ribble Close (adj)
0:13:10 0:13:10 Cherwell Gardens (SE-bound)
0:14:00 0:14:00 *Toynbee School (E-bound)
0:14:33 0:14:33 Hillcrest Avenue (NE-bound)
0:15:26 0:15:26 Fernhill (adj)
0:15:52 0:15:52 Constantine Avenue (opp)
0:16:23 0:16:23 Peverells Road (opp)
0:17:00 0:17:00 *Fryern Hill (o/s Waitrose)
0:17:45 0:17:45 Kendal Close (adj)
0:18:17 0:18:17 Kingsway (NW-bound)
0:19:00 0:19:00 Lakewood Road (NW-bound)
0:19:38 0:19:38 Tyrrel Road (near)
0:20:00 0:20:00 *Valley Road (N-bound)
0:20:51 0:20:51 Linden Grove (adj)
0:21:43 0:21:43 Pine Crescent (adjacent)
0:22:29 0:22:29 Hiltingbury Road (NE-bound)
0:23:18 0:23:18 Nichol Road (W-bound)
0:24:05 0:24:05 Heathfield Road (SW-bound)
0:25:00 0:25:00 *Ashdown Shops (adj)

Which journeys have been affected?

4 Total journeys affected from 12/01/2022

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury 08/06/2022 07:35 Bus Station (Stand B)
402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury 09/02/2022 07:35 Bus Station (Stand B)
402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury 12/01/2022 07:35 Bus Station (Stand B)
402:Eastleigh - Hiltingbury 28/02/2022 07:35 Bus Station (Stand B)