Fast timing between timing points
Line 31:Doe Green - Neville Crescent has fast timing between timing points
Timing pattern requires travel between Newlyn Gardens (cnr) and Honiton Way Shops (o/s) over a speed of 70 mph.
Timing pattern
Stops marked with * are timing points
Arrival | Departure | Stop name |
0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | *Honiton Way Shops (o/s) |
0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | Conservative Club (opp) |
0:01:00 | 0:01:00 | Jubilee Avenue (cnr) |
0:01:00 | 0:01:00 | Coniston Avenue (cnr) |
0:02:00 | 0:02:00 | Meeting Lane (S-bound) |
0:03:00 | 0:03:00 | Crown & Cushion (o/s) |
0:05:00 | 0:05:00 | Tannery Lane (nr) |
0:06:00 | 0:06:00 | *Newlyn Gardens (cnr) |
0:08:00 | 0:08:00 | Ferry Inn (N-bound) |
0:09:00 | 0:09:00 | Falmouth Drive (nr) |
0:10:00 | 0:10:00 | Buckfast Close (opp) |
0:12:00 | 0:12:00 | Well Lane (opp) |
0:13:00 | 0:13:00 | Red Lion (o/s) |
0:14:00 | 0:14:00 | Bank Gardens (nr) |
0:16:00 | 0:16:00 | Bank Gardens (opp) |
0:17:00 | 0:17:00 | Post Office (o/s) |
0:17:00 | 0:17:00 | Greystone Road (cnr) |
0:21:00 | 0:21:00 | *Synthetic Stop |
0:24:00 | 0:24:00 | Coronation Drive (opp) |
0:25:00 | 0:25:00 | Greystone Park (opp) |
0:27:00 | 0:27:00 | *Honiton Way Shops (o/s) |
Which journeys have been affected?
Total journeys affected
from 24/02/2020
Example vehicle journeys affected
Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Fast timing between timing points".
Line | Journey date | Start time | First stop |
31:Doe Green - Neville Crescent | 24/02/2020 | 14:00 | Honiton Way Shops (o/s) |