Missing stops

Line 830:Hollingworth - Market St, The Last might be missing a stop between Apethorn Ln (opp) and Knott Ln

We've found a possibility where the route 830:Hollingworth - Market St, The Last might be missing stop Apethorn Lane (nr) between Apethorn Ln (opp) and Knott Ln.

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Longdendale High School (at)
0:01:00 0:01:00 Gun Inn (opp)
0:02:00 0:02:00 Carrhouse Ln (nr)
0:02:00 0:02:00 Fern Cottages (opp)
0:04:00 0:04:00 Mottram Junction (Stop C)
0:05:00 0:05:00 *John Kennedy Gardens (opp)
0:05:00 0:05:00 Longdale Dr (nr)
0:06:00 0:06:00 Lowry Gr (opp)
0:07:00 0:07:00 John Kennedy Rd (opp)
0:07:00 0:07:00 Garnett Rd (opp)
0:08:00 0:08:00 Melandra Cres (nr)
0:08:00 0:08:00 Thornbury Ave (opp)
0:09:00 0:09:00 Camborne Rd (opp)
0:10:00 0:10:00 Honiton Ave (nr)
0:10:00 0:10:00 Underwood Rd (nr)
0:11:00 0:11:00 Porlock Ave (opp)
0:12:00 0:12:00 *Hattersley Stn (Stop B)
0:13:00 0:13:00 Hattersley Road West (Stop D)
0:13:00 0:13:00 Sandy Bank Ave (opp)
0:16:00 0:16:00 Broadbent Grove (nr)
0:16:00 0:16:00 Ball Walk (nr)
0:17:00 0:17:00 *Chapman Arms (opp)
0:18:00 0:18:00 Apple Street (nr)
0:19:00 0:19:00 Greenside Cattery (opp)
0:20:00 0:20:00 Sycamore Cottage (o/s)
0:20:00 0:20:00 Green Lane (opp)
0:21:00 0:21:00 Spring Ave (nr)
0:23:00 0:23:00 Baron Rd (nr)
0:23:00 0:23:00 *Grapes Hotel (opp)
0:23:00 0:23:00 Brabyns Rd (nr)
0:24:00 0:24:00 Apethorn Ln (opp)
0:24:00 0:24:00 Knott Ln
0:25:00 0:25:00 *Grosvenor Rd (nr)
0:26:00 0:26:00 Shepherds Call (o/s)
0:27:00 0:27:00 Last Orders (Stop BB)
0:27:00 0:27:00 *Last Orders (Stop AA)

Which journeys have been affected?

1 Total journeys affected from 05/09/2022

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
830:Hollingworth - Market St, The Last 05/09/2022 15:00 Longdendale High School (at)