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Missing bus working number

This observation identifies if the service is valid within the next 14 days, and when it is valid it contains a bus workings number.


Bus workings number, known as ‘BlockNumber’ in TransXChange, is most frequently populated using running board information. It is a unique identifier (usually a simple number) that is used for all journeys an individual bus is scheduled to work.

This is important to enable cross journey predictions for passengers, meaning if a vehicle is running late on one journey, the subsequent journeys are likely to be delayed as well.

How to resolve

Please enter a unique journey code on your scheduling tool for vehicle journeys operated by the same bus service and on the same day(s).

The following service(s) have been observed to have at least one journey that is missing a bus working number.

Service (1) Details
N1 - PH0004983:646 There is at least one journey that is missing a bus working number