Missing stops

Line 14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes might be missing a stop between Wellington Street (stop W1) and Wellington Bridge Street (stop W12)

We've found a possibility where the route 14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes might be missing stop Wellington Street (stop W9) between Wellington Street (stop W1) and Wellington Bridge Street (stop W12).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Park Row (stop P4)
0:01:38 0:01:38 Wellington Street (stop W1)
0:03:15 0:03:15 Wellington Bridge Street (stop W12)
0:06:49 0:06:49 Canal Street
0:08:16 0:08:16 Armley Prison
0:09:38 0:09:38 Pickering Street
0:11:00 0:11:00 *Branch Road
0:12:04 0:12:04 Armley Park Gates
0:13:51 0:13:51 Moorfield Road
0:15:11 0:15:11 Armley Ridge Road (N bound)
0:16:14 0:16:14 Gotts Park Avenue (adj)
0:17:07 0:17:07 Gotts Park View (adj)
0:17:59 0:17:59 Armley Ridge Road Raynville Cres (adj)
0:19:19 0:19:19 Armley Ridge Road Raynville Rd (before)
0:20:47 0:20:47 Raynville Rd Lancastre Grove
0:21:59 0:21:59 Raynville Rd Landseer Avenue (W bound)
0:22:47 0:22:47 Outgang Lane
0:23:45 0:23:45 Raynville Rd Landseer Green
0:24:31 0:24:31 Waterloo Ln Waterloo Way (S bound)
0:26:02 0:26:02 *Bus Station stand D (Stand D)
0:27:08 0:27:08 Aston Road
0:29:05 0:29:05 Rossefield Approach
0:29:46 0:29:46 Railsfield Mount
0:30:43 0:30:43 Station Mount
0:31:27 0:31:27 Fairfield Mount
0:32:29 0:32:29 Fairfield Avenue
0:33:25 0:33:25 Swinnow Lane Stanningley Rd
0:34:22 0:34:22 Swinnow Lane Rycroft Ave (at)
0:35:02 0:35:02 *Swinnow Co-Op
0:35:37 0:35:37 Harley Road
0:36:52 0:36:52 Intake Road
0:38:09 0:38:09 Kent Road Sycamore Chase
0:39:11 0:39:11 Kent Road Acres Hall Ave (adj)
0:39:43 0:39:43 Kent Rd Valley Road (before)
0:39:58 0:39:58 Valley Square (W bound)
0:40:58 0:40:58 Valley Rd Brickmill Road (opp)
0:41:32 0:41:32 Valley Rd Littlemoor Road
0:42:04 0:42:04 Littlemoor Road (E bound)
0:43:10 0:43:10 Littlemoor Rd Roker Lane (before)
0:44:13 0:44:13 Ashdene Crescent
0:44:46 0:44:46 Fartown Southroyd Rise (opp)
0:45:34 0:45:34 Fartown Hillthorpe Road (adj)
0:46:35 0:46:35 White Cross PH (near)
0:47:04 0:47:04 Greenside (N bound)
0:47:38 0:47:38 Greenside
0:48:07 0:48:07 Pudsey Chapeltown
0:48:59 0:48:59 Pudsey Park
0:50:02 0:50:02 *Bus Station stand D (Stand D)

Which journeys have been affected?

109 Total journeys affected from 03/04/2021

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 10/04/2021 12:25 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 12:40 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 10/04/2021 12:55 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 17/04/2021 12:55 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 03/04/2021 12:55 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 12:55 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 13:10 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 13:10 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 13:40 Park Row (stop P4)
14:Leeds City Centre - Pudsey Owlcotes 13:40 Park Row (stop P4)