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Duplicate journeys

10:10 from Dashwood Square (Stance 1) on 02/11/2020 is duplicated

10:10 from Dashwood Square (Stance 1) on 02/11/2020 is included in your data more than once.

Vehicle journey

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
10:10:00 10:10:00 *Dashwood Square (Stance 1)
10:10:42 10:10:42 Church St (Bowling)
10:13:00 10:13:00 Windsor Terr (no 8)
10:15:00 10:15:00 Douglas Ewart (School)
10:17:14 10:17:14 Church St (opp Bowling)
10:20:00 10:20:00 *Dashwood Square (Stance 1)