Fast running time between stops
Line 38:Elgin - Portessie has fast running time between stops
Timing pattern requires travel between Sherriffston Cottages (at) and Barmuckity Farm Road End (at) over a speed of 70 mph.
Timing pattern
Stops marked with * are timing points
Arrival | Departure | Stop name |
0:00:00 | 0:00:00 | *Bus Station (Stance 2) |
0:01:02 | 0:01:02 | Library (at) |
0:02:45 | 0:02:45 | Cathedral Road (at) |
0:05:00 | 0:05:00 | Pinefield Bus Depot (at) |
0:05:53 | 0:05:53 | Reiket Lane (opp) |
0:06:49 | 0:06:49 | Barmuckity Farm Road End (opp) |
0:08:18 | 0:08:18 | Sherriffston Cottages (at) |
0:10:00 | 0:10:00 | *The Terrace (opp) |
0:10:41 | 0:10:41 | Lady Margaret Drive (opp) |
0:15:50 | 0:15:50 | Castlehill Farm Road End (at) |
0:17:53 | 0:17:53 | Linksfield Road (opp) |
0:18:53 | 0:18:53 | Garmouth Road (at) |
0:19:16 | 0:19:16 | Stynie Road (at) |
0:20:07 | 0:20:07 | Baxters of Speyside (at) |
0:20:35 | 0:20:35 | Fochabers Bridge (SE-bound) |
0:22:00 | 0:22:00 | *The Square (opp 2) |
0:22:18 | 0:22:18 | East Street (SE-bound) |
0:23:35 | 0:23:35 | Whitegates Lodge (at) |
0:27:46 | 0:27:46 | Mill House Hotel (opp) |
0:30:48 | 0:30:48 | Enzie Crossroads (NE-bound) |
0:32:00 | 0:32:00 | Village Hall (opp) |
0:37:00 | 0:37:00 | *Seafield Hospital (at) |
0:38:24 | 0:38:24 | Merson Street (at) |
0:39:10 | 0:39:10 | St Andrew's Square (at) |
0:40:07 | 0:40:07 | Queen Street (opp) |
0:40:39 | 0:40:39 | Pringle Court (opp) |
0:41:14 | 0:41:14 | Cluny Place (at) |
0:42:00 | 0:44:00 | *Shanks Lane (opp) |
0:45:53 | 0:45:53 | Freunchny Road (at) |
0:46:11 | 0:46:11 | Commercial Road (adj) |
0:46:41 | 0:46:41 | March Street (opp) |
0:47:34 | 0:47:34 | Ianstown Terrace (at) |
0:48:29 | 0:48:29 | Findlater Street (opp) |
0:49:14 | 0:49:14 | Rannas Place (opp) |
0:50:20 | 0:50:20 | Victoria Street (at) |
0:50:54 | 0:50:54 | School Road (adj) |
0:51:11 | 0:51:11 | School Road (at) |
0:52:00 | 0:52:00 | *Craigbo Terrace (at 11) |
0:52:24 | 0:52:24 | Samson Avenue (at 1) |
0:52:55 | 0:52:55 | Samson Avenue (at 41) |
0:55:00 | 0:55:00 | Main Road (adj) |
0:57:29 | 0:57:29 | Douglas Crescent (opp 2) |
0:58:09 | 0:58:09 | Raffan Road (at 6) |
0:58:24 | 0:58:24 | Hendry Terrace (opp) |
0:59:00 | 0:59:00 | Shearer Avenue (at) |
0:59:17 | 0:59:17 | Brodie Avenue (opp) |
1:02:00 | 1:02:00 | *Tesco (at) |
1:02:29 | 1:02:29 | Parklands Nursing Home (at) |
1:03:10 | 1:03:10 | Burnbank (opp) |
1:03:34 | 1:03:34 | Spey Drive (opp) |
1:04:25 | 1:04:25 | Highfield Road (adj) |
1:05:00 | 1:05:00 | *Ardach Medical Centre (at) |
1:06:58 | 1:06:58 | Milton Drive (o/s 15) |
1:08:00 | 1:08:00 | *Yuill Avenue (opp) |
1:09:41 | 1:09:41 | Mill Crescent (at) |
1:10:09 | 1:10:09 | Newlands Lane (at) |
1:12:00 | 1:15:00 | *Shanks Lane (at) |
1:15:39 | 1:15:39 | Cluny Place (opp) |
1:16:29 | 1:16:29 | Pringle Court (at) |
1:17:07 | 1:17:07 | Queen Street (at) |
1:20:00 | 1:20:00 | *Seafield Hospital (opp) |
1:20:39 | 1:20:39 | Barhill Road South (on) |
1:25:00 | 1:25:00 | Village Hall (at) |
1:26:08 | 1:26:08 | Enzie Crossroads (SW-bound) |
1:29:08 | 1:29:08 | Mill House Hotel (at) |
1:33:19 | 1:33:19 | Whitegates Lodge (opp) |
1:34:27 | 1:34:27 | Milnes Primary School (at) |
1:34:36 | 1:34:36 | East Street (NW-bound) |
1:35:00 | 1:35:00 | *The Square (opp 15) |
1:36:00 | 1:36:00 | Fochabers Bridge (NE-bound) |
1:36:28 | 1:36:28 | Baxters of Speyside (opp) |
1:37:42 | 1:37:42 | Stynie Road (opp) |
1:38:12 | 1:38:12 | Garmouth Road (opp) |
1:38:54 | 1:38:54 | Balnacoul Road (adj) |
1:41:06 | 1:41:06 | Castlehill Farm Road End (opp) |
1:46:24 | 1:46:24 | Lady Margaret Drive (at) |
1:47:00 | 1:47:00 | *The Terrace (at) |
1:47:00 | 1:47:00 | Sherriffston Cottages (at) |
1:47:00 | 1:47:00 | Barmuckity Farm Road End (at) |
1:47:00 | 1:47:00 | Pinefield Bus Depot (opp) |
1:51:40 | 1:51:40 | Cathedral Road (opp) |
1:54:40 | 1:54:40 | Library (opp) |
1:57:00 | 1:57:00 | *Bus Station (Stance 2) |
Which journeys have been affected?
Total journeys affected
from 03/08/2020
Example vehicle journeys affected
Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Fast running time between stops".
Line | Journey date | Start time | First stop |
38:Elgin - Portessie | 03/08/2020 | 13:25 | Bus Station (Stance 2) |
38:Elgin - Portessie | 10/08/2020 | 13:25 | Bus Station (Stance 2) |
38:Elgin - Portessie | 03/08/2020 | 13:25 | Bus Station (Stance 2) |