Missing stops

Line 59:Newport - Bembridge might be missing a stop between Orchard Hospital (opposite) and Medina Leisure Centre (opposite)

We've found a possibility where the route 59:Newport - Bembridge might be missing stop Medina College (nr) between Orchard Hospital (opposite) and Medina Leisure Centre (opposite).

Timing pattern

Stops marked with * are timing points

Arrival Departure Stop name
0:00:00 0:00:00 *Crossway (adjacent)
0:01:00 0:01:00 Lane End (W-bound)
0:02:00 0:02:00 Post Office (outside)
0:03:00 0:03:00 Holy Trinity Church (adjacent)
0:04:00 0:04:00 Royal Spithead Hotel (SW-bound)
0:05:00 0:05:00 Wades Boathouse (outside)
0:06:00 0:06:00 Brading Haven Yacht Club (opposite)
0:07:00 0:07:00 St Helens Station (adjacent)
0:08:00 0:08:00 *Station Road (N-bound)
0:08:00 0:08:00 The Vine (outside)
0:09:00 0:09:00 Guildford Road (adjacent)
0:11:00 0:11:00 Nodes Point (opposite)
0:12:00 0:12:00 Attrills Corner (N-bound)
0:13:00 0:13:00 St Helens Church (outside)
0:14:00 0:14:00 West Priory Cottages (outside)
0:15:00 0:15:00 Roadside Inn (opposite)
0:16:00 0:16:00 Nettlestone Manor (outside)
0:17:00 0:17:00 Wishing Well (opposite)
0:18:00 0:18:00 Bullen Cross (NW-bound)
0:19:00 0:19:00 Woodlands Vale (opposite)
0:19:00 0:19:00 Thornton Cross (W-bound)
0:20:00 0:20:00 Derwent Drive (adjacent)
0:21:00 0:21:00 *St Johns Church (adjacent)
0:22:00 0:22:00 East Hill Road (N-bound)
0:23:00 0:23:00 Ashley Gardens (adjacent)
0:25:00 0:25:00 *Belvedere Street (W-bound)
0:26:00 0:26:00 Cross Street (W-bound)
0:28:00 0:28:00 John Street (W-bound)
0:29:00 0:29:00 Parish Church (adjacent)
0:31:00 0:31:00 St Vincents (adjacent)
0:33:00 0:33:00 Ringwood Road (adjacent)
0:34:00 0:34:00 Fleming Arms (adjacent)
0:35:00 0:35:00 Newnham Road (W-bound)
0:36:00 0:36:00 Quarr Abbey (opposite)
0:37:00 0:37:00 Fishbourne Lane (opp)
0:38:00 0:38:00 Kite Hill (SW-bound)
0:39:00 0:39:00 *Wootton Bridge (W-bound)
0:40:00 0:40:00 Wootton High Street (W-bound)
0:41:00 0:41:00 Wootton Cedars (W-bound)
0:42:00 0:42:00 Lushington Garage (adjacent)
0:43:00 0:43:00 Westwood House Lodge (W-bound)
0:44:00 0:44:00 Crematorium (W-bound)
0:46:00 0:46:00 Binfield Corner (SW-bound)
0:47:00 0:47:00 Whitehouses (SW-bound)
0:48:00 0:48:00 Orchard Hospital (opposite)
0:52:00 0:52:00 *Medina Leisure Centre (opposite)
0:53:00 0:53:00 Seaclose (S-bound)
0:54:00 0:54:00 Old Police Station (opposite)
1:03:00 1:03:00 *Christ the King College (NW-bound)
1:08:00 1:08:00 *Carisbrooke College (adjacent)

Which journeys have been affected?

1 Total journeys affected from 24/06/2024

Example vehicle journeys affected

Below is a sample of up to 100 vehicle journeys from your data set that use the above timing pattern. Please refer back to these journeys in your scheduling tool and update the corresponding timetables(s) to address the observation "Missing stops".

Line Journey date Start time First stop
59:Newport - Bembridge 24/06/2024 07:12 Crossway (adjacent)